The HKUST software engineering and programming languages community hosts a bi-weekly seminar series at 11 am on Wednesday or Friday. To receive seminar announcements, please subscribe to the "sepl-seminar" mailing list.

Upcoming Talks

Date Room Speaker Topic
18 Jul 2024 (Thu) at 10:30am 2302 Djordje Zikelic (Singapore Management University) Neural Controller Synthesis and Verification with Guarantees
19 Jul 2024 (Fri) at 10:30am 4503 Jun Sun (Singapore Management University) AI Safety Evaluation, Mitigation and Certification: the Backdoor Example
31 Jul 2024 (Wed) 3523 Chengfeng Ye When Threads Meet Interrupts: Effective Static Detection of Interrupt-Based Deadlocks in Linux (USENIX Security 2024)
Week of 12 Aug 2024 ?
Week of 26 Aug 2024 ? (Tentative: Practice talks for ICFP)
Week of 9 Sep 2024 ?

Past Talks

Date Room Speaker Topic
15 Jul 2024 (Mon) at 1pm 4502 Thomas Henzinger (IST Austria) History-Determinism and Other Recent Developments in Graph Games (CSE Seminar)
24 Jun 2024 (Mon) at 1pm 5510 Anton Soldatov (Huawei Russian Research Institute) ArkTS language for OpenHarmony: Principles, Evolution, Challenges
5 Jun 2024 (Wed) at 2 pm 3523 S Akshay (IIT Bombay) Tractable Representations for Boolean Functional Synthesis
22 May 2024 (Wed) 1410 Chenhao Zhang (Northwestern) Karp: A Language for Reduction
20 May 2024 (Mon) at 3 pm 4580 Yang Liu (Nanyang) A Road Towards an Interaction between Cyber Security and AIGC (CSE Seminar)
8 May 2024 (Wed) at 2 pm 3598 James Koppel (Mirdin and Up To Speed) Hidden depths of programming knowledge
8 May 2024 (Wed) at 1 pm 3520 Chun Kit Lam Practical Constant-Time Memory Management for Functional Programming (FLOPS 2024)
26 Apr 2024 (Fri) 3523 Hao Ling GIANTSAN: Efficient Memory Sanitization with Segment Folding (ASPLOS 2024)
Anshunkang Zhou Plankton: Reconciling Binary Code and Debug Information (ASPLOS 2024)
10 Apr 2024 (Wed) 3520 (Zoom) Pingchuan Ma Enabling Runtime Verification of Causal Discovery Algorithms with Automated Conditional Independence Reasoning (ICSE 2024)
3520 Wai Kin Wong BinAug: Enhancing Binary Similarity Analysis with Low-Cost Input Repairing (ICSE 2024)
28 Mar 2024 (Thu) 4502 Shaohua Li (ETH Zurich) Advancing Software Reliability: A Journey from Code to Compilation
30 Jan 2024 (Tue) at 4 pm 5506 Mingshuai Chen (Zhejiang University) Reasoning about Loopy Probabilistic Programs
24 Jan 2024 (Wed) 1410 Lingming Zhang (UIUC) Towards Better Software Quality in the Era of Large Language Models
11 Jan 2024 (Thu) at 3 pm 3523 Chengpeng Wang LLMDFA: A Data-Flow Analysis Framework with Large Language Models
11 Jan 2024 (Thu) at 10 am 4503 Leonardo Mariani (University of Milano-Bicocca) Failure Analysis in CPS Simulink Models
9 Jan 2024 (Tue) at 11 am 3520 Lionel Parreaux When Subtyping Constraints Liberate (POPL 2024)
22 Nov 2023 (Wed) 3523 Jialun Cao Testing Coreference Resolution Systems without Labeled Test Sets (FSE 2023)
8 Nov 2023 (Wed) Zoom Dongdong She Large Language Model Meets Program Analysis
19 Oct 2023 (Thu) at 4 pm 1103 Yizheng Chen (University of Maryland) Robust AI for Security (CSE Seminar)
18 Oct 2023 (Wed) 3523 Ishan Bhanuka Getting into the Flow: Towards Better Type Error Messages for Constraint-Based Type Inference (OOPSLA 2023)
Yuandao Cai A Cocktail Approach to Practical Call Graph Construction (OOPSLA 2023)
13 Oct 2023 (Fri) 3523 Zhuo Cai Asparagus: Automated Synthesis of Parametric Gas Upper-bounds for Smart Contracts (OOPSLA 2023)
Ahmed Zaher Exploiting the Sparseness of Control-flow and Call Graphs for Efficient and On-demand Algebraic Program Analysis (OOPSLA 2023)
12 Oct 2023 (Thu) at 11 am CYTG003 (behind Subway) Naijun Zhan (ISCAS) Non-Linear Interpolant Synthesis and its Application to Program Verification
9 Oct 2023 (Mon) at 4 pm LTF Naijun Zhan (ISCAS) Synthesizing (Differential) Invariants by Reduction Non-Convex Programming to SDP (CSE Seminar)
27 Sep 2023 (Wed) at 2:30 pm 3520 Hitarth Singh Algebro-geometric Algorithms for Template-based Synthesis of Polynomial Programs (OOPSLA 2023)
3520 (Zoom) Giovanna Kobus Conrado The Bounded Pathwidth of Control-flow Graphs (OOPSLA 2023)
22 Sep 2023 (Fri) at 9 am - 6 pm IAS4042 Seminar Room, 4/F, Lo Ka Chung Building Multiple Invited Speakers Emerging Trends in Software Development Workshop 2023 (IAS Workshop)
18 Sep 2023 (Mon) at 4 pm LTF Dirk Riehle (University of Erlangen) Creating a ROS 2 distribution (CSE Seminar)
13 Sep 2023 (Wed) 3523 Kim-Ee Yeoh (invited speaker) Why Johnny Can’t Monad: Debugging the Infinite Loop of Monad Tutorials
15 Sep 2023 (Fri) 5510 Chenglin Wang Solving Conditional Linear Recurrences for Program Verification: The Periodic Case (OOPSLA 2023)
7 Sep 2023 (Thu) at 3:30 pm Kaisa Group Lecture Theater (IAS LT), Lo Ka Chung Building Carlo Ghezzi (Politecnico di Milano) Reflecting on the Digital Revolution: From a Historical Perspective to a Call for Action (IAS Seminar)
1 Sep 2023 (Fri) Zoom Tsz On Li Nuances are the Key: Unlocking ChatGPT to Find Failure-Inducing Tests with Differential Prompting (ASE 2023)
Dongwei Xiao PHYFU: Fuzzing Modern Physics Simulation Engines (ASE 2023)
Zhenlan Ji PERFCE: Performance Debugging on Databases with Chaos Engineering-Enhanced Causality Analysis (ASE 2023)
18 Aug 2023 (Fri) 4213 Petr Novotný (Masaryk University) Code and Design Safety of Probabilistic Systems
18 Aug 2023 (Fri) 4475 Julian Dolby (IBM) Automatically Debugging AutoML Pipelines Using Maro: ML Automated Remediation Oracle (CSE Seminar)
7 Aug 2023 (Mon) at 4 pm 2463 Zu-Ming Jiang (ETH Zurich) Effective Bug Detection for Database Management Systems: Complex-Query Generation and Oracle Construction (CSE Seminar)
4 Aug 2023 (Fri) 3523 Yuandao Cai Place Your Locks Well: Understanding and Detecting Lock Misuse Bugs (USENIX Security 2023)
Zhibo Liu Decompiling x86 Deep Neural Network Executables (USENIX Security 2023)
14 Jul 2023 (Fri) 3523 Jiajun Hu ωTest: WebView-Oriented Testing for Android Applications (ISSTA 2023)
Haoyang Ma Fuzzing Deep Learning Compilers with HirGen (ISSTA 2023)
12 Jul 2023 (Wed) 3523 Yuzhou Fang Beyond “Protected” and “Private”: An Empirical Security Analysis of Custom Function Modifiers in Smart Contracts (ISSTA 2023)
Zhibo Liu Exploring Missed Optimizations in WebAssembly Optimizers (ISSTA 2023)
7 Jul 2023 (Fri) 3523 Huaxun Huang ConfFix: Repairing Configuration Compatibility Issues in Android Apps (ISSTA 2023)
23 Jun 2023 (Fri) 3523 Andong Fan super-charging Object-Oriented Programming through Precise Typing of Open Recursion (ECOOP 2023)
Chengpeng Wang Synthesizing Conjunctive Queries for Code Search (ECOOP 2023)
21 Jun 2023 (Wed) 4475 Yi Li (Nanyang)Finding Permission Bugs in Smart Contracts with Role Mining (CSE Seminar)
7 Jun 2023 (Wed) Zoom Haoran Xu (Stanford) Deegen: a meta-compiler approach for high performance VMs at low engineering cost
29 May 2023 (Mon) 5566 Wing Lam (GMU) Systematic and Lightweight Techniques to Preempt Flaky Tests (CSE Seminar)
26 May 2023 (Fri) 3523 James Koppel (Mirdin) Meta-metaprogramming (CSE Seminar)
10 May 2023 (Wed) 3523 Zhenlan Ji CC: Causality-Aware Coverage Criterion for Deep Neural Networks (ICSE 2023)
Chengpeng Wang Verifying Data Constraint Equivalence in FinTech Systems (ICSE 2023)
Dongwei Xiao Metamorphic Shader Fusion for Testing Graphics Shader Compilers (ICSE 2023)

Contact Jiasi Shen ( with questions or slot reservations.